Duke of Edinburgh
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Our Curriculum Rationale
We aim to inspire young people to want to learn, and equip them with the skills and self-motivation to do so effectively. Our curriculum provides breadth and depth, support and challenge. It is flexible to meet individual needs and allow personalisation and choice, along with a rigorous focus on the key areas of literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing. We aim to prepare young people for modern life and work, in Orkney and beyond. Every pupil should leave us with skills, abilities and qualifications appropriate to their potential, enabling them to move on to a sustained positive destination.
Our Curriculum – a brief overview
Our curriculum must meet national requirements, but there is flexibility to make decisions at a school and county level to meet the needs of our learners and community and to draw on the experience and expertise of staff. During 2017-18, Stromness Academy developed a new Vision and Curriculum Rationale in consultation with parents, pupils and staff. The Vision sets out our overall aims, whilst the Curriculum Rationale lays out the principles which guide decisions we make on the subjects and other experiences we offer our pupils and the way we structure young people’s time as they move up the school. This document sets out the resulting curriculum.