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2 weeks ago

Stromness Academy

Duke of EdinburghWe’ve had word of a few pupils dropping DofE before we have started, stating that they are advised to focus on exams. DofE is a commitment, but pupils can choose an activity in each of the 3 sections (Physical, Volunteering and Skills) that they already do. For example:Physical – a pupil might already go to netball and the physical skill they can work is improving their passing or shootingVolunteering – they may already help with a sport at a primary school, or help a neighbour by cleaning, or cutting their grass. Skill – they already play a musical instrument or want to work on improving their drawing or painting. There are so many options and we can be flexible with things they already do. Other than keeping a quick log of what they do each week, and attending after school on a Monday, DofE doesn’t need to be a massive undertaking. Pupils can develop other skills, learn to work with others and get out and enjoy the landscapes around us. Exams are important, but DofE is seen as a very respectable qualification by many employers and further education institutes. It’s not too late to sign up! Send your child to Mr Grieve for more information, or a sign up sheet!

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Art & Design


  • Mr O. Smith (PT)
  • Mrs O. MacPherson









Our department is made up of two ground floor open plan classrooms plus a large mezzanine area used for studio places for Higher and Advanced Higher students, and where we store the majority of our still life artefacts. We have recently been able to upgrade the tables and stools in the main teaching rooms and have acquired tables for the senior students on the mezzanine; making it an exciting and well-resourced space in which to create art, design and photography.

There is also a multi-use classroom which is used as photography studio and ceramics space with electric kiln.

A flat bed printing press is situated on the mezzanine along with four PCs.

Celebrating our Students

Former pupil, Ferris McRae’s (S6 2022 submissions) Higher Photography work has been selected to be part of the 2023 SQA online Art exhibition ‘Flair’www.flair.sqa.org.uk/photography


Course Choice

BGE S1/2







The S1/S2 course covers the development of skills in:

  • Observational drawing
  • Understanding the qualities of different media and technologies and learning how to use and control them.
  • Expressing ideas using the visual elements of colour, tone, shape, line, pattern, texture and form.
  • Working to a design brief and using the design process of investigation, development of ideas and the creation of a final solution.
  • Using artists to inspire and instigate artwork.
  • Gaining confidence in expressing verbally personal opinions and ideas and analysis about students’ own work and the work of other artists and designers.









S3 builds on work within S1/S2 and uses the structure of National 5 as a framework to act as a stepping stone towards National qualifications. There are two main projects: expressive and design.









In the expressive project, students continue to build on their observational drawing skills and understanding about the creative process. They learn to become more independent in their studies, choosing a strand of still-life, portraiture, or landscape within the expressive project they wish to pursue towards a final piece painting. The study of other artists and their work is used to act as inspiration for solutions and to extend critical skills.

The design project is structured to allow pupils the opportunity to problem solve using a design brief, usually based in graphic design or jewellery. Researching existing design solutions to inspire and to help solve problems, followed by development of ideas, finishing with a 2D/3D final outcome.




Art and Design BGE

Senior Phase S4-6

Art and Design N4

Art and Design N5 Updated Oct ’23

Art and Design H

Art and Design AH

Photography H



The S1 course covers the development of skills in:

  • Observational and accurate drawing
  • Understanding the qualities of different media and technologies and learning how to use and control them.
  • Expressing ideas using the visual elements of colour, tone, shape, line, pattern, texture and form.
  • Working to a simple design brief and using the design process of investigation, development of ideas and the creation of a final solution.
  • Gaining confidence in expressing verbally personal opinions and ideas and analysis about pupil’s own work and the work of other artists and designers.
  • Presenting and displaying their work.


The S2 course continues the pupil’s development and confidence of the skills achieved in S1.

Course content covers expressive and design work but themes and sources will vary and take into account local projects, possible IDLs, visiting artists and competitions. The course is always structured within the boundaries of level 3-4 outcomes and the strengths and skills of art staff is also taken into consideration.

Both courses culminate in the Art/Music IDL of the creation of band competition posters, which pupils make to promote their class songs and performance at the end of term Band Competition. These designs are displayed around the school in advance of the competition.


The S3 BGE course has continued to evolve since its conception and now takes the form of two main bodies of work which mirrors the structure of the National 5 course but not the weight of work.

In the first Expressive unit pupils build and progress observational drawing skills from S2, putting more time and care into the improvement of accuracy and control, while gaining more confidence in understanding the qualities of different media. The study of other artists and their work is used to extend critical skills and the study of art practice.

The expressive course covers the techniques of still life composition and development of a pupils’ creativity within a theme extending their confidence in painting, soft pastel, water colour and other media. Self- evaluation and annotation is key at this level and is expected that pupils learn to constructively criticise and analyse their own strengths and weaknesses.3D work is also often undertaken.

The design element of the course is structured to allow pupils the opportunity to problem solve using a design brief. In this course investigation of a theme, market research and material research are explored followed by development of creative ideas finishing with a 3D final outcome. Again critical work looking at designers is part of this course.

The S3 course has been structured to raise attainment and create confidence in visual skills, creativity, problem solving and improving fine motor skills.


Senior Phase S4-S6 (SQA)

National 4 Art & Design AH Art & Design – Expressive
National 5 Art & Design AH Art & Design – Design
Higher Art & Design Portfolio support in application to Art schools/colleges
Higher Photography




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