Duke of Edinburgh
Home » Curriculum » Departments » Guidance
- Ms M. Johansen (Head of Guidance) Rognvald
- Mrs C. McGeary (PT Guidance) Magnus
- Miss H. Murray (PT Guidance) Thorfinn

Guidance staff are responsible for the overall pastoral care of pupils, they work within the school House system, (R,M & T) each having a caseload from S1 through to S6. They act as registration teachers to all S1 pupils as they make the transition to secondary school. Guidance teachers work closely with the Support for Learning department and all other staff to ensure that pupils are learning successfully, developing in confidence, understand their responsibilities and take an active a role within their school and local community. Pupil welfare is at the centre of Guidance work. The guidance team are the first point of contact for parents regarding questions, queries and concerns about their child.
Each Guidance teacher has their own office. There is a meeting room within the department and we teach PSE in designated classrooms.
PSE (Personal and Social Education) is made up of four overarching themes;
- Preparing for Choice and Change (Careers education is taught within this strand)
- Mental and Emotional Health and Wellbeing
- Relationship and Sexual Health Education
- Substance Misuse
PSE is a statutory subject for pupils from S1-S4. Pupils have 1 lesson a week. The S1 to S6 course is designed so that the content and delivery is age and stage of development appropriate. Lessons develop young people’s knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes which they will need for social, emotional, mental and physical well-being now and in the future.

We work in partnership with many local third sector organisations, often by inviting a range of external speakers to present and work with pupils on topics within our curriculum such as Consent, Course choice, Financial information, mock interviews and applying for University. We also work with other partners too: school nurse team; Road Safety; VAO; Relationships Scotland; Orkney Rape Crisis; CAHMS.
We provide in-school support for senior phase pupils as they secure work experience placements.
We get involved in the school’s weekly ‘activities’ programme.
Careers Support
Information about careers can be found on the Career Support page.
The PSE programme makes use of a wide range of online resources, some of which are outlined below
- Course Choice & Careers
- Internet Safety
- Mental Health
- Further & Higher Education
- Substance Misuse
- Financial Education & Work Skills