Home » Curriculum » Departments » Music
- Mr R. Brown (PT)
- Ms K. Fletcher
- Mr J. Rathbone
Music Instructors
- E. Duncan (Strings)
- K Griffiths (Strings)
- B. Jones (Brass)
- L. Kelly (Cello)
- R. Murray (Woodwind)
Music and Music Technology is open to all at Stromness Academy and pupils can study both course from N4 level up to Advanced Higher.
The Music Dept. encourages performance and music of all types to be explored and pupils to find new ways of expressing themselves.
As well as class lessons we have many performance and club opportunities to learn and share music. Some of these include: Band Comp, Christmas Service, POP Choir, Orchestra, Belt Hid Oot, This is their moment and many many more. For more details please speak with a member of the Music Dept.
Course Choice
Senior Phase (S4-6)
Senior Phase S4-S6 (SQA)
National 4 Music | Higher Music |
National 5 Music | Advanced Higher Music |
National 4 Music Technology | Higher Music Technology |
National 5 Music Technology | Advanced Higher Music Technology |
Christmas Service 2021
Band Competition 2019
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