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2 weeks ago

Stromness Academy

Duke of EdinburghWe’ve had word of a few pupils dropping DofE before we have started, stating that they are advised to focus on exams. DofE is a commitment, but pupils can choose an activity in each of the 3 sections (Physical, Volunteering and Skills) that they already do. For example:Physical – a pupil might already go to netball and the physical skill they can work is improving their passing or shootingVolunteering – they may already help with a sport at a primary school, or help a neighbour by cleaning, or cutting their grass. Skill – they already play a musical instrument or want to work on improving their drawing or painting. There are so many options and we can be flexible with things they already do. Other than keeping a quick log of what they do each week, and attending after school on a Monday, DofE doesn’t need to be a massive undertaking. Pupils can develop other skills, learn to work with others and get out and enjoy the landscapes around us. Exams are important, but DofE is seen as a very respectable qualification by many employers and further education institutes. It’s not too late to sign up! Send your child to Mr Grieve for more information, or a sign up sheet!

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Dynamic Youth & Youth Achievement

Youth Achievement Awards Youth Scotland were first piloted in the school by School Librarian and Award Group Worker, Frances Sinclair in 2010. Since then Dynamic Youth Awards for younger pupils were also introduced for library-based activities and the PE Department / Guidance coordinate them for the S2 Hoy trips.

These awards allow pupils to be recognised and accredited for the activities they take part in, both in and out of school. Both are peer assessed and work on a Plan – Do – Review basis where young people plan and / or organise their own activities, take part in them and review / evaluate their own progress.

The Awards
Dynamic Youth Awards are for young people aged 10 – 14 years old. Youth Achievement Awards are for young people aged 14+. Both allow young people be recognised for the activities they take part in (volunteering; school trips; sports; music; etc.). The awards allow for:

  • Taking responsibility for learning
  • Peer assessment
  • Personalisation & choice
  • Creative evidencing
  • Measuring individual achievement

Pupils take responsibility for their own planning; learning; evidence collecting and portfolio preparation with the support of their peers and an Award Group Worker.

Both awards are placed on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

Dynamic Youth Award (Age 10+) = TAKING PART

Award Level    Hours
One star          5-15
Two star          15-30
Three star       30-100
Four star         100-250
Five star          250+

Youth Achievement Award (Age 14+)

Bronze = taking part
TAKING PART 60hrs (Four 15-hour Challenges)

SCQF level 4 (National 4)

Silver = assisting and sharing responsibility with others
HELPING ORGANISE 90hrs (Six 15-hour Challenges)

SCQF level 5 (National 5)

Gold = young people taking individual responsibility to organise and lead
ORGANISING & LEADING 120hrs (7x 15-hour Challenges + Presentation)

SCQF level 6 (Higher)

Platinum = undertaking training and creating learning opportunities for others. (Min age = 16)

SCQF level 7 (Advanced Higher)


Dynamic Youth Awards as prior learning for the Bronze Youth Achievement Award

  • If you have completed 10 hours or more of Dynamic Youth Awards within the past 2 years you will only need to complete 3 or more Challenges.
  • If you have completed 20 hours or more of Dynamic Youth Awards within the past 2 years you will only need to complete 2 or more Challenges.

Hours you have completed within the past 2 years can count towards your Bronze Award total hours up to a maximum of 30.

If you have successfully completed a Dynamic Youth Award you may be able to use this towards your Bronze Youth Achievement Award.

Award Group = your peers
(Friends and / or other people doing the award)

  • Help each other to develop an individual plan of action and to approve each other’s plan
  • Support and encourage each other to complete their individual plans of action
  • Assist in reviewing each other’s achievements and learning
  • Take part in the peer assessment process
  • Recommend completed challenges to the award group worker for certification

Community Learning and Development Links (OIC)

Dynamic Youth Awards

Youth Achievement Awards

School logo of a Viking longship

Stromness Academy Young Reporter 2024

Mental Health Resources & Support


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