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Friday Activities
In the last period of every Friday since c. 1969-70, instead of a standard lesson, all pupils go to Activities. Originally this period was extended to 65 minutes in length rather than the standard 50 but since timetable restructuring, activities are now only 50 minutes. Activities is a chance to pursue various social interests within the school, which students pick from a list of 25-40 different options, making first, second third and fourth choices on their forms (Some options are over-subscribed). Activities change about four times in the year.
The activity list always included a study class, some sporting, some artistic, and some computer-based options, but what exactly these options are varies, as does the list of more miscellaneous options. Common features also include designing sets for musical events, the School Newspaper, Film Appreciation, Model Making and Swimming. More outlandish options have included Glass Painting, Fly Tying, Laminated Jewellery, Line Dancing, Role Playing Games and Subbuteo.
While the appreciation by pupils of particular activities varies, and a sense of experiment hangs over some new introductions, overall Activities is well-liked, providing enough variety for all and changing to meet demand. The new skills that pupils may bring away from Activities can serve them well in future life.
Previous Activities Booklets